Early Dewsbury

The first Tattersfield record in Dewsbury Parish Church was the marriage of Thomas to Ann Appleby on 10th November 1686. She was a widow, age 47 or 48, so presumably it was not his first marriage. He was buried in 1706 in Dewsbury.

The next Tattersfield was Christopher, who married Sarah Senior on 14th September 1712. No relationship to Thomas is given. He could have been a son by an earlier marriage, but that is only speculation.

A number of family trees online give a year of birth for Thomas, and years of birth and death for Christopher. The source for the dates is not stated. They are not in the Dewsbury Parish Registers. Accordingly I have not accepted them.

The only known direct male descendants of Christopher to recent times were through his grandson Joseph (1747-95), who married Sarah Carr in Dewsbury in 1768. It is believed this couple later lived in Heckmondwike, and were members of Upper Chapel. Their descendants are shown in Charts 1, 2,3 and 4.

Some others were married Dewsbury Parish Church. They include Thomas and Mary Crossley in 1770, David and Martha Hall in 1771, Samuel and Rachel Senior in 1786, and James and Mary Dransfield in 1788. These four marriages were the start of Tattersfield families in York, Hull, Leeds and Lancashire respectively. No connection between any of them and the family of Christopher is apparent.