
Welcome to this website, which has been set up as a resource for members of the Tattersfield family. Here you will find information regarding family history and family tree research, and access to the various Tattersfield Family Trees world-wide. If you, or anyone related to you, have the Tattersfield surname, or if you would like to participate in this website in any way, we urge you to contact us, and we will try to involve you in whatever way we can.

Heckmondwike, the point of origin of the largest Tattersfield family branch
Header Image: The Tattersfield Bridge, which once spanned the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway line at Dewsbury Moor, as it appeared in the early 1980s. The line is disused and the bridge has apparently been removed or filled in. The Spen Valley Greenway cycle path now crosses under the point where the Tattersfield Bridge once stood.